1912 Notice of Death of Alexander McROBERT


On Monday, the 30th December, the death occurred of a very old and much respected resident of Heathcote and district , namely Mr Alexander M'Robert, who passed away at his residence the Mount Pleasant Estate, Toolleen, at an advanced age, he being in his 83rd year. The deceased had ben ailing for some time. Mr M'Robert came to Victoria in 1858, with his brother, Mr Peter M'Robert who is still living in the Inglowood district. After following up the gold fields they came to M'Ivor in 1855. In 1857 their brother, the late Mr George M'Robert, arrived from Scotland and joined them in their puddling machined, working together till 1862. Mr Peter M'Robert then went away to Dunolly. In that year Mr Alexander M'Robert married Miss Wilhelmina Ross, sister of the late Mr Donald Ross, of Surface Hill, Heathcote, and built his home on the site where the Heathcote Railway Station now is, ams lived there till 1872. During the rime the brothers, Messrs. A. and G. M'Robert, had four puddling machines at work on Commissioner's Flat, which was noted for being rich in the early days of the M'Ivor goldfield, there being plenty of gold left to be afterwards treated with the puddling machines, and Mossrs. M'Robert Brothers, were very industrious and employed others, found it very remunerative. To March, 1872, Messes. A. and G. M'Robert purchased the Mount Pleasant Estate, at Toolleen, and entered intp grazing and farming pursuits, and lived there till their decease, Mr George M'Robert, J.P., passing away on the 21st June, 1905. The brothers were natives of Aberdeen, Scotland. They belonged to a family that lived to a great age, Mr George M'Robert was 77 when he died, and two sisters and a brother are living in Scotland, aged 80, 78 and 76 years respectivly. Mr Alexander M'Robert was a much respected and liked for his many good qualities, including a kindly and hospitable nature and thorough strsight-forwardness, and his decease will be sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends. He and the late Mrs M'Robert were prominent supporters of the Presbyterian Church, He leaves three sons living, namely, Messrs, George and Donald M'Robert, of Mount Pleasant, Toolleen, and Mr Graham M'Robert of Bendigo, and very general sympathy is extended to them in their bereavement, Mrs M'Robert having predeceased him on the 20th October, 1910, one son Mr Alexander W. M'Robert (who was for some time in the Cormercial Bank, at Heathcote, also at Shepparton and Murchison, and died on 8th March, 1903) and three daughters also being deceased. The funeral took plaxe on Wednesday (New Year's Day) and was numerously attended, the place of interment being the Heathcote Cemertery. The pall-bearers were Messers. J. J. Farley, J.P, S. M Brown, J.P., W. Parkinson, R. Morris, Hans hansen, sell., and John Fortune, and the bearers were Messrs, H. C. Johnson. J. P. Johnson, J. Speirs, W. Pook, Harold Pook and J. Hansen, jun. The burial service was read by the Ravs. G. S. Moorhead of Heathcote, and D. Bruce, of Whittlesea, at the conclusion of the service the Rev. Mr Bruce giving an impressive address, in which he referred to terms of high praise to the deceased. The funeral was conducted by Messrs. Perry Bros, There were a number of handsome floral tributes. Mr and Mrs Allan J. M'Donald had the misfortune on Sunday last, the 5th inst., to lose their infant son Keith, nearly a month old, being born on the 10th of December. All was done that could be, medically and otherwise, to save the child, but without avail. Much sympathy is felt for the parents and family in their sad loss. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was attended by a number of friends of the parents. The burial service was read. By the Rev. G. S. Moorhead, Minister of the Presbyterian Church, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Perry Bros. There were a number of nice floral.