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1939 Football club dance and Keith JOHNSTON

Hurstbridge Advertiser, Friday 26 May 1939, page 5

Newspaper article

HURSTBRIDGE Footballer's Dance

The ladies connected with the Hurstbridge Football club gave a succesful dance in the hall last Saturday night to raise funds for the club. About 100 people were present, and enjoyed some novel features associated with the function. Mr. K. Johnstone, having noticed that at previous functions, activites were inclined to slow down at about 11 p.m., decided to introduce a novelty item from the stage. Accordingly at about 11p.m. on Saturday, young footballers appeared with armfuls of paper hats, and whistles, which were sold at a nominal charge. The whole stock was cleared in a few minutes, the dancers being eager to buy. The ornaments, combined with the ceaseless shrilling of whistles, etc., lent a gay atmosphere to the rest of the evening, in which there were no dull moments. Wieland's Band, howeverm was sufficiently powerful to overcome these minor noises of the night.

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